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Syntax conventions:
• italics = replace with a variable
• [ ] = optional component
Command Options Description
cvadmin Views and modifies
attributes of StorNext FS
stripe groups.
-F FileSystemName Sets FileSystemName
as the selected file
system in cvadmin.
-H FSSHostName Connects to the
StorNext FS on the
FSSHostName machine.
[ -e command ] Runs cvadmin and exits.
[ -f filename ] Reads commands from
the specified file.
[ file_system_name ]
Activates a file system
debug [ value ] Views or sets the
StorNext FS’s debugging
[ read | write ]
Disables the stripe group
(groupname) for either
reads or writes.
disks [ refresh ] Displays StorNext FS
disk volumes visible to
this machine. If the
refresh option is used,
the volumes are
down groupname Disables access to the
stripe group
[ read | write ]
Enables the stripe group
(groupname) for either
reads or writes.
fail [ file_system_name
| index_number ]
Fails over the file system
(file_system_name) or
index number
File System
Version 2.2
filelocks [ yes | no ] Enables or disables
cluster-wide file/record
lock enforcement.
[ -h | -? ] Displays the command
usage summary.
multipath groupname
[ rotate | static | sticky ]
Modifies the multi-path
method for the specified
stripe group.
paths Displays StorNext FS-
labeled disks visible to
the local system.
quit Disconnects cvadmin
from the StorNext FS
and exits.
quotas [ yes | no ] Enables or disables
quota accounting and
quotas get
[ user | group ] name
Displays current user or
group quota parameters.
quotas set
[ user | group ]
name hardlim softlim
Sets current user or
group quota parameters.
quotacheck Recalculates the amount
of space consumed by
all users and groups in
the file system.
repquota Generates quota reports
for all users and groups.
[ file_system_name ]
| none
Selects the active
file system
[ groupname ] [ long ]
Displays all stripe groups
or a specific stripe group.
file_system_name [ on ]
[ hostname | IP address ]
Starts the StorNext FS
manager for the
specified file system
stat Displays status of the file
stop file_system_name Stops the StorNext FS
manager for the
specified file system
up groupname Enables the stripe group
who Displays a list of
mounted clients on the
selected file system.
Command Options Description
Command Options Description
cvaffinity Sets a session affinity
[ -k key ] Indicates where the file
system should place the
data file. If the key
parameter is defined,
then the data
file is placed on stripe
groups specified to
support this parameter.
filename File or directory name.
Command Options Description
cvcp Provides a high speed,
multi-threaded copy
mechanism to copy
directories and tar
images to and from the
StorNext FS.
Source Source file or directory.
Destination Destination file or
[ -A ] Disables file
[ -b buffers ] Sets the number of I/O
Default value: Two times
the number of copy
threads started.
[ -k buffer_size ] Sets the I/O buffer size.
Default value: 4MB
[ -l ] Copies the target of
symbolic links rather
than copying the link
[ -n ] Prevents recursion
through subdirectories.
[ -p source_prefix ] Only copies files that
begin with the value of
the source_prefix
[ -t num_threads ] Specifies the number of
copy threads.
Default value: 8